A sustainable energy source in Cape Jervis, SA.
Location: Cape Jervis, SA
Status: Operational
Network: SA Power Networks
Wind Turbines33MW
Avg Homes Powered Per Year2003
Beginning of operationsStarfish Hill was the first wind farm built in South Australia. The site was selected because the area has consistently high winds, is sparsely populated and was previously cleared for farming and grazing.
The 68m steel towers were produced in Adelaide. The wind farm has a total capacity of 33 MW, consisting of 22 turbines that are capable of generating up to 1.5MW each. The turbines are positioned on top of Starfish Hill, which is approximately 150m above sea level, and have a hub height of around 80m.
The wind farm generates enough clean, renewable energy to power around 10,000 homes annually, and helps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by over 40,000 tons per year. The facility also provided significant economic benefits to the local community through the generation of jobs and local contracts during construction and operation.
Starfish Hill Wind Farm sits across two hills on the tip of the Fleurieu peninsula, around 3km to the north-east of Cape Jervis in South Australia.