A firming energy source in Kemerton, WA
Location: Kemerton, WA
Status: Operational
Network: Western Power
155MW Gas Turbines310MW
Average Homes Powered Per Year2005
Beginning of operationsKemerton Power Station (KPS) plays a vital role in securing the power supply to Western Australia, as one of three “black start” facilities used to restart of the energy supply system. As a dispatchable generator, it is supporting Western Australia’s transition to clean energy by supporting the operation of intermittent wind and solar generation.
It began operations in 2005 and uses natural gas as a fuel source to generate electricity, which is supplied to Synergy and then distributed to the Western Australian grid. It has two 155 MW gas turbines, generating sufficient energy for the equivalent of up to 57,735 homes.
The KPS operating license was recently extended to allow operations until 2045 and more flexible hours of operation (up to 13,800 per annum). These changes enable RAC to more responsively support the transition of Western Australia away from thermal generation and ensures a stable, reliable energy supply to the grid.
The Kemerton Power Station is located 17km North-East of Bunbury or 140km South of Perth in Western Australia. It is located in an area known as the Kemerton Industrial Park.